Landing Pages

Right now, we can
build & host your
Landing page

Landing Page Building & Hosting Service

How far can a business grow these days without a good web strategy?

Probably not very far.

Will you take the chance?

We hope you won't!
Let us join forces to carve out a unique web presence for you.

We don’t just create landing pages, we research, design and develop a landing page for you, with some things in mind: you, your product, your customers, the best technologies. We mix these variables to strike a balance with competitve pricing to make you a successful product owner.

Your landing page will be unique, it will support and promote your branding while implementing proven technologies.

How it works

In a nutshel...



Order one of our landing page packages.



From you account, add your branding details.



Wait for 4 days or 7 days, while we confirm with you and build.


Go Live

We contact your to verify. Once you are happy, your landing page goes live.

Your Fully Functional Landing Page will

No hidden cost. No recurring fee. Only a one-time fee, when placing your order.

Landing Page Features (sections)

Depending on the package your select when you place an order below, your landing page can have a number of features, which will be grouped into sections on your landing page. Below, find an explanation of the landing pages sections.


You can select the sections you require on your landing page when submitting your branding requirements. Your landing page will have the selected sections, but the real design and style of your website will be unique, reflecting your brand’s style, colour scheme, based on your request.

Main Intro or Hero Section

The first section of your website that introduces your landing page – see example.

Available in:

Features Section

In this section, you can present your main services or the features of your product in eye-catching design – see example.

Available in:

About us Section

The section where you can tell a brief story about your product or services – see example.
Available in:

Details Section

If you need to present a long textual copy on your landing page, these section will be important to your – see example.
Available in:

Campaign or Pre-Registration

In this section, you can ask for email addressed of people interested in your app (or project). For example, if you have a product that is coming soon, such as an app that is still being developed, you can use this section to create awareness and give your visitors an opportunity to pre-register – see example.

Available in:

Photo Gallery

A slide of photo gallery – see example.
Available in:

Cliens or Partners brand list

A slide of logos that represents your clients, supporters, or partners – see example.
Available in:

Reviews and ratings

You can present reviews and ratings that your product or services received on your landing page – see example.
Available in:


Use this section to present the profile of each member of your team – see example.
Available in:


You can present a quick statistics of your project or product in a countdown manner – see example.
Available in:

Event Countdown

A well presented countdown of your event such as deals and an upcoming event – see example.
Available in:


A well presented frequently asked questions – see example.
Available in:

Contact us

A well presented Contact us section – see example.
Available in:

Any Question?

Should you have more questions, please see below FAQs but don’t hesitate to get in touch, if you still have questions.


Below are prices for building and launching your landing page (prices includes free lifetime hosting on applicable packages). Please select one to continue.


Normally £98
£ 49
One-time payment (Incl. VAT)
  • No recurring fee
  • Up to 5 sections
  • Your unique branding
  • Free lifetime hosting
    & maintenance
  • Hosted on our website
  • Offer feebie to attract customers
  • Host & run a contest
  • Campaign / Pre-Reg form
  • Unlimited copy updates
  • MailChimp integration
  • Ready to launch in 4 days


Normally £495
£ 99
One-time payment (Incl. VAT)
  • Includes free hosting for the first year.
    £50 per year after the first year
  • Unlimited no of sections
  • Your unique branding
  • Free hosting for the first year
  • Hosted on our website
  • Offer feebie to attract customers
  • Host & run a contest
  • Campaign / Pre-Reg form
  • Unlimited copy updates
  • Mailchimp integration
  • Free SSL certificate provided
  • Ready to launch in 7 days
  • Admin access to site cntent
  • Use your own domain
Best Value

Pro Take Away

Normally £495
£ 99
One-time payment (Incl. VAT)
  • No recurring fee
  • Unlimited no of sections
  • Your unique branding
  • Free lifetime hosting
    not applicable
  • Hosted where you please
  • Offer feebie to attract customers
  • Host & run a contest
  • Campaign / Pre-Reg form
  • Unlimited copy updates
  • Mailchimp integration
  • Ready to launch in 7 days
  • Admin access to site content
  • Use your own domain
  • Installation and set up service (optional)

No Quibbles

30-day money back guarantee.

Landing Page FAQs

Can I provide a video for my landing page?

Yes, if you have a video on platforms such as Youtube, we will gladly integrate it for you without extra cost. We can also host your video as part of your landing page.

Can you create a video for my landing page?

Yes, we offer video creation service aspart of our landing page package. We will design and create your brand video and add it to your landing page, at your request. Video creation attracts an extra charge, which will be presented when you order your landing page.

What are the intellectual property of my landing page?

Depending on the package you choose, your code might be subject to a minimum hosting period with us, after which we will be happy to provide you the code to host elsewhere. If you would like us to only design and provide you with the code, please select the appropriate package and we will simply design and develop for delivery upon completion. The choice is yours - either way, we will design your landing page withthe latest technoly, best practices and your customers in in the driving seat.

How long do you take to complete a landing page?

If your order does not include extra assets creation such as video, then we will complete your landing within one week from the day you place the order.
If you order video creation alongside, then your landing page will be ready within one week of completing your video.
Video creaion could take up to one week to complete, depending on how quickly you resond to review requests.

Will you provide copy for my landing page?

We do not offer copyriting or proof-reading service. We expect you to provide all textual content for your website as these are the core representation of your services, which originates from you. For these reason, we are not in any way responsible for the textual content and description of your website and the services you provide.
Our responsibility is in the best presentation of your services, as you describe them.

Can I provide a photos/images for my landing page?​

Yes, if you have photos and images for your landing page, we will gladly use these to design and develop. However, we will source photos and images free of charge, if you do not provide any.

However, there is NO extra cost, if you do not have photos/images. We will source and use reasonable images for you, free of charge. This is included in the package.

A point to note though, if you require the design of specific images such as screenshot for your app or cover photo for your product, then you will either supply your specific photos or we can design for you at a reasonable cost. Simply select the option when you place your order.

How do I find photos images for my landing page ?

We are happy to source CC0 photos and images from reputable websites that provide these services. However, these services are open to all. You are welcome to source interesting images and supply them.

LET's Work Together to Establish Your Web Visibility
Get an insight and an actionable review for your app, and see your user engagement, participation, and retention sky-rocket.